
A curriculum to guide every journey forward

Thriving in today’s world requires more than advanced knowledge. 随着技术的发展, 距离缩小, 信息不断扩展, you will need to be able to adapt to new situations, collaborate with people of different backgrounds, and evaluate evidence with a critical eye. JCC can’t teach you everything you will need to know, but the Essentials will give you the tools you need to continue to grow, 无论你的旅程走向何方.

Do the Essentials fulfill SUNY requirements? 是的! SUNY requirements are built into the design.

The Essentials are spread across three levels of learning. These same levels form the basis for every degree program at JCC. As you advance along your JCC journey you will inquire, grow, and connect.

General education requirements have been around for eons at colleges to ensure that students get a well-rounded education, but they often turn into a laundry list of courses that don’t seem to connect to students’ goals.

JCC的要点是不同的. They forge a path for lifelong learning that promotes innovative thinking and prepares you to make a positive difference in our diverse and changing world.


  • Eliminate the disconnect between “gen ed” and your major. You will cover at least one of the Essentials in every course you take at JCC.
  • 给你动手练习的机会. From Semester One onward, JCC will challenge you to apply your learning to the real world.
  • 挑战学术界限. Real-world questions don’t neatly align within academic subjects, so why should all of your courses? Interdisciplinary courses allow you to explore innovative connections across fields.
  • Tie your courses together under a simple but meaningful framework.


Inquire into complex questions with a critical eye for evidence and differing perspectives. 

学习从提问开始. 在第一年学习期间完成, Level 1 courses examine multi-faceted questions through a critical lens, giving you the opportunity to explore different perspectives and types of sources outside the limits of any one field.


  • INT 1555查询 or an approved inquiry-based course (recommended within a year of matriculation in a degree program)
  • eng1510大学作文


Grow the versatile toolkit of skills and knowledge essential to success in the twenty-first century.

课程 in this level expand your knowledge and skills, both within and outside your major. You will be exposed to new intellectual experiences as you build college-level proficiency in a range of areas, 包括关键 SUNY的学习分类.


Individual courses may not be used to fulfill more than one Level 2 requirement, but may be used to fulfill additional requirements in other levels.

  • ANT 1510人类进化与史前*
  • ANT 1520文化人类学导论*
  • ANT/ rel1530比较宗教*
  • ANT 2510 Indigenous Peoples of North America*
  • ANT 2520 Peoples and Cultures of the World*
  • ant2560法医人类学导论*
  • ANT/SOC 2590性别,性向和性别*
  • ARA 1510阿拉伯语入门I*
  • ARA 1520阿拉伯语入门II*
  • 艺术1560文化艺术2
  • ASL 1510手语入门I*
  • asl1520手语入门II*
  • BUS 1650全球业务
  • CHI 1510普通话入门I*
  • ENG 2660文学下地狱*
  • ENG 2730世界神话*
  • FRE 1510法语入门*
  • FRE 1520法语入门II*
  • 中级法语I*
  • FRE 2520中级法语II*
  • GEO 1520世界区域地理*
  • GLS 1500全球研究导论*
  • 他的1510世界历史1500年以前*
  • 他的1520世界历史自1500年*
  • 他的1530年.S. 1865年以前的历史*
  • 他的1540年.S. 1865年以来的历史*
  • HIS 2610大学简介.S. 妇女历史*
  • PSY 2500人格心理学*
  • PSY 2510寿命发展*
  • PSY 2520儿童发展*
  • PSY 2530社会心理学*
  • PSY 2550青少年心理学*
  • PSY 2560异常行为*
  • PSY 2600 Psychology of Intimate Relationships*
  • PSY 2710超个人心理学*
  • PSY 8503跨文化心理学
  • rel2580伊斯兰研究概览*
  • RUS 1510俄语入门I*
  • RUS 2560 Russian Civilization and Culture*
  • SOC 1510社会学导论*
  • SOC 2510婚姻与家庭*
  • SOC 2520社会问题*
  • SOC 2540异常行为*
  • SOC 2560犯罪学*
  • SOC 2580种族和民族*
  • SOC 2600流行文化
  • SPA 1510西班牙语入门I*
  • SPA 1520西班牙语入门II*
  • SPA 1601让你的思维全球化I(旅行)
  • SPA 2010西班牙语实习 
  • SPA 2510中级西班牙语I*
  • SPA 2520中级西班牙语II*
  • SPA 2550西班牙语会话 & 组成* 
  • SPA 2560 Latin American Civilization and Culture* 
  • SPA 2601全球化思维II(旅行)

* Equivalent courses transferred to JCC from another institution may be used to fulfill the Cultural Understanding requirement.


Connect your learning to the real world and consider the impact of your actions.  

Level 3 challenges you to apply your learning to a hands-on project, 实习, 实地考察, 留学或相关机会. 课程 in this level also deepen your worldview and sense of citizenship, reinforcing the importance of community and ethical decision-making. 


Individual courses may not be used to fulfill more than two Level 3 requirements, but may be used to fulfill additional requirements in other levels.

  • ANT 2010人类学实习 
  • ANT 2020人类学实习
  • ANT 2510 Indigenous Peoples of North America
  • ANT 2560 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
  • ANT/SOC 2590性,性和性别
  • ART 1540 3D设计
  • 环境科学概论
  • BIO 1552 Intro to Environmental Science Lab
  • 生物学原理1
  • BIO 2560遗传学
  • BIO 2650生态
  • bio2800细胞和分子生物学
  • 生物技术研究
  • BIO 2840免疫学
  • BUS 1430企业家精神
  • BUS 1520 Principles of Managerial Accounting
  • BUS 2420 Professional Development/Internship
  • CED 1050合作办学
  • CED 1060合作教育
  • CED 2050合作教育
  • CED 2060合作教育
  • CHE 2540有机化学II
  • CMM 1610公众演讲
  • CMM 2560-2565媒体艺术实习
  • CRI 1420报告写作
  • CRI 1510刑事司法概论
  • CSC 2450 CIT顶点
  • CSC 2510网络概论
  • EDU 1290 Intro to Early Education/Childcare
  • 教育基础
  • HIS 2610大学简介.S. 女人的历史
  • HIS 8512 The People's Past-公共 History
  • MCT 2220自动化与机器人
  • MUS 1710录音入门
  • MUS 1730音乐和数字工作室
  • nur1510护理基础
  • NUR 1520健康恢复
  • NUR 2510健康恢复/维护
  • NUR 2520 健康 Restoration/Maintenance II
  • 欧盟POL 2860
  • PSY 2530社会心理学
  • PSY 2540群体动力
  • SOC 2510婚姻与家庭
  • SOC 2520社会问题
  • SOC 2540异常行为
  • SOC 2560犯罪学
  • SOC 2580种族和民族
  • SOC 2600流行文化
  • SPA 2010西班牙语实习
  • SPT 1300体育管理入门
  • ANT 1510人类进化与史前*
  • ANT 1520文化人类学导论*
  • ANT/ rel1530比较宗教*
  • ANT 2510 Indigenous Peoples of North America*
  • ANT 2520 Peoples and Cultures of the World*
  • ant2560法医人类学导论*
  • ANT/SOC 2590性别,性向和性别*
  • 艺术1550文化艺术1
  • 环境科学概论
  • 环境科学概论
  • BIO 2550保护生物学*
  • 生物/PHL 2570环境问题 & 道德*
  • BUS 1650全球业务
  • CMM 2610 Mass Communication/Media Literacy
  • ECO 1530当代经济问题
  • ECO 2610宏观经济原则
  • EDU 2460 Exceptional Children Field Placement
  • GEO 1520世界区域地理* 
  • GLS 1500全球研究导论*
  • 他的1510世界历史1500年以前*
  • 他的1520世界历史自1500年*
  • NUR 2520 健康 Restoration and Maintenance II
  • 现代道德问题*
  • POL 1510世界政治
  • PSY 8503跨文化心理学
  • RUS 2560 Russian Civilization and Culture
  • SOC 1510社会学导论
  • SOC 2510婚姻与家庭
  • SOC 2520社会问题
  • SOC 2540异常行为
  • SOC 2560犯罪学
  • SOC 2580种族和民族
  • SOC 2600流行文化
  • SPA 2550西班牙语会话 & 作文
  • SPA 2560 Latin American Civilization and Culture 

* Equivalent courses transferred to JCC from another institution may be used to fulfill the Global Perspectives requirement.


除所列要求外, the college also requires each degree holder to demonstrate several other competencies which are built into each degree program. You don’t need to keep track of courses for these requirements because they are infused across the curriculum. 它们包括:

  • 批判性思维和推理
  • 信息素养
  • 技术能力
  • 值 & 道德意识
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